Spring update

We had hydroseed sprayed on our lawn this week. Stuart was not impressed.

The basement bathroom is finished and ready for guests! It needs a new shower curtain, but at least the toilet is in here instead of the guest room, where it’s been housed while we figured out the flooring. Here’s a magnablox robot that Elliot made. 

He was super proud of his participation medal that he received in golf. He also got 4th place in the final game. Way to go! 

My Mother’s Day was flower-ful this year! I got a different flower from every guy in the house! Stuart loves to put this puzzle together. 

The boys washed our cars on the first sunny weekend day we had in months. They worked hard and did a great job! We took the big kids to Cirque du Soleil this year. It was Mexican themed. They were thrilled! 

Stuart “helps” me bake cookies. These two guys climbing in our neighbor’s tree. So cute. 

I saw this Imperial Soldier walking by the library in Issaquah. 

Lots of rain lately, but lots of double rainbows! 

Fletch took the boys fishing this year. Stuart caught a doughnut. 

Another way that Stuart helps in the kitchen: he leaves extra letters in the salt. You never know when you might need them! Yum, adds extra flavor too, and perhaps a cold! Fun! 

We finally gave away our little train table. I couldn’t take it to goodwill. It had too many memories. It went to a home that had two little boys who love it already. 

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2 Responses

  1. These are great Ame…I love reading them and looking at the great pictures. Great record of good memories. I don’t always respond like I should, but I always proudly see what you have sent. God is blessing your family and I am happy for it. We will try to get up that way when we can. I believe that Nana spoke to Fletch about it today. Man, the boys are getting big and have wonderful expressive faces. Look forward to seeing them.

  2. I love your bathroom choices!! It turned out just lovely!! And of course- love those sweetheart boys?????

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