Elliot is 9! 

We stayed up tonight looking at the photo albums from when the kids were born. I made chocolate cupcakes for Elliot, and we had hamburgers for dinner–his favorite. At church, he got to choose from the toy bin and he picked a multi-colored pen. Tonight he used it to make a diagram of his room so we could envision where he’s going to put the putting green he got today. All the possibilities!

This poor fella is putting with a yard stick. We got him some clubs, but they haven’t arrived yet. 
Travis has been practicing for a month on this song for his brother. This is love.

Writer of the week! 

Travis was writer of the week in his class. We are so proud! 

Elliot learned to ice skate this week. He ended up just using a hockey stick to balance on the ice. He called it his “three-legged strategy.” 

Stuart playing trains with Fletch. 

This horse has been put down for a nap. I’m jealous! 

A boy and his hat. 

Mmmm…doesn’t this fruit look appetizing! 

A sweet valentine to Fletch from Travis. I’m glad he wrote his last name on it or we might not know who it’s from. Travis is super into Fletch these days and consults him on his life questions. He always wants to know what dad thinks about certain things and when he can talk to his dad. So sweet! 

Elliot made up this game and we played it together. I love stuff like this. 

Travis is 7! 

He had a great birthday! Cupcakes for breakfast, lots of presents, and sweet cards from his class. Everybody adores this guy. One kid likes his “style and hair do!” One guy really needs a friend on the playground. I’m not sure I want Travis to get the “surprise mystery” one of his friends will give him if he goes to that kid’s house. (!!!)