Elliot’s day

We played outside and he ventured onto a bike that we have that has pedals (as opposed to his balance bike). But the tires on the bike were busted so we planted some seeds instead.

After dinner we put his #4 candle in a cookie that we made earlier today and sang happy birthday.

And here we are playing Legos (and eating cookies!).

Self brag

(for those not on facebook) I ran the Mercer Island Half marathon this morning. When I got home I told Elliot I had been in a race. He asked “Was it an eating race?” ha!

Birthday King

Elliot’s classmates celebrated his birthday with him at school today. He wore the birthday crown and peered at them through the gift his teachers gave him. Then everyone ate the store-bought cookies we brought. According to his teachers, his behavior has improved tremendously since he started school here.

Earlier this week Elliot told me, “Mom, I practice counting to thirty every day.” What a smartie! Also, since he has a crown that says “Elliot is 4” he is convinced that he’s already 4. We’ve been talking about all the things he’ll be able to do once he turns 4. So I ran with it and said that he has to start putting his own shoes on… and he did!

Now, Trav has only been talking understandably for a couple of weeks. Turns out, he already knows his alphabet, colors, and numbers up to 15. He was counting in the car and then saying “ready or not, here I come!” even though we were both buckled securely in our seat belts. Cute!

2012 Boys’ Birthdays and Parks’ Visit

Here are the pictures we took this past week while Paula, Landon, Evie, and Julie were in town. Also included are photos from the various celebrations for the birthdays we’ve had *so far* this month. The main birthday party that we had was a combined party for both boys. The theme was Absolute Chaos. Ha ha! It was actually supposed to be a “Little Man” party so we had moustache pops and big lip pops and stick-on ties. The kids had so much fun with all the decorations and balloons. The gold instruments were actually kazoos that broke almost immediately. There was one cake with a 2 and a 4 candle. Trav ate his cake with his 2 candle instead of a utensil. They loved all their presents! Thank you to everyone who sent gifts. They had so much fun opening every single thing. Opening presents took more than one day as you can see from their changes of clothes.

While the Parks were here, we did the following list of activities:
Went up in the Space Needle
Ate Hot Pot doughnuts
Saw Snoqualmie Falls
Celebrated Elliot’s 4th and Travis’s 2nd birthdays
Toured Bainbridge Island (took a ferry, walked around Bloedel Reserve, ate some good food)
Went whale watching (There will be a separate blog post for those pics)

Unfortunately for them, the weather here last week was the worst it’s been all winter. Torrential rains and extremely cold weather plagued us, but we smiled and laughed the whole week because we were so happy to be together. Today, the day they left, it snowed in the morning and was beautiful and sunny and almost 50 degrees in the afternoon! I think Trav told his train joke about a million times, and Landon laughed heartily every time. Elliot said that when he grows up he’s going to have “bracelets” on his teeth just like Landon. Evie amazed everyone with her picture-posing abilities. And Julie started going from standing to sitting while she was here!
