
Elliot loves to tell you all about what’s going on with him. So we thought we should provide a translation guide in the event that we aren’t available to decipher his tongue-twisting take on the English language. Here are some noteworthy examples:

Et = Elliot
toppy = coffee
be = three
boar = four
bye = five
sassy = seven or siren
boo bah = football
a pee tee = airplane
a guy = in the sky
doo wah = stroller
ta milk = chocolate milk

ept = elephant or orange
ikea = crayon

Most of what he says is easy to understand. There is no mistake when he says “a train on the track” or “more.” He even has a sweet “peas” that will make you want to give him the world. 🙂

Here is Elliot with “monkey.”

Who is that handsome stranger?
Big shoes to fill.
We took Elliot to Zoo Lights, the light show at our city zoo. He loves to watch other people at the zoo. The animals he likes most are the “pish.”

Happy Halloween!

It was Halloween today on the poop deck. We sailed through the neighborhood with the landlubber’s train on hand. We even ate some scurvy candy and didn’t have to walk the plank! Elliot was ARRRguably the fiercest pirate on the open water.