Catching Up!

We haven’t posted in awhile as we’ve been a wee bit busy moving, having guests, and rearing a child. But never fear! A new post is here! With a bunch of randomness and some pictures of our new place. Scroll all the way down for a couple of adorable Elliot videos.

Two scholars:

He doesn’t normally sleep with a pacifier. But he looked like such an angel!

Fun at the park!

What a little helper!

As you all know, we have moved! So I’m posting some pictures we took awhile ago because we haven’t found time to take any new pictures. The house looks pretty much the same as it did in these pictures… except that you really can walk around in it now. We have tucked all the excess boxes away… and I FINALLY found my pots, pans, and lids! After a month of using my dutch oven for everything pot-related, I found them in a box at the back of Fletch’s closet, behind a bookshelf. Don’t ask how the box got there. 🙂 Here is our lovely garage space (just the spot below the bike that’s hanging from the ceiling). I don’t know it in the picture but it’s going to take a 52-point turn to back my car into that tight squeeze.

Here is our kitchen. The wall to the left is the bathroom that’s right there in the kitchen. Don’t you wish your bathroom was that close to your food!

Here’s the front on a very overcast day. Ours is the one with the sign out front.

We have a basement! There is a finished part, which you can see through the open door. It’s quite large. And the unfinished part is where the washer/dryer are now. We’re going to build a new bathroom in that spot… after it’s torn out of the kitchen.

Here is our living room. Lovely!

Here’s the landing between Elliot’s and our room. Oh no! He’s about to fall down the stairs! Never fear… the boy has learned to descend the stairs!

Here’s the dining room and you can see the kitchen and bathroom (in the kitchen) just on the other side. The bathroom is on the other side of the black shelves.

We never did get that box spring up the stairs.

I thought I’d show a video of Elliot going down the stairs. I happen to think it’s an advanced skill for a 13 (at the time) month old. All you have to do is point your toe and throw a toy down the stairs… and you’re golden!


Here’s a video of Elliot eating. But if you look closely you can see that he’s answering me when I ask him what a lion says. I didn’t realize it at the time but when I reviewed the video again and saw the goldmine I had, I had to share! Also, he demonstrates his new favorite word: uh-oh! Other words he can say are apple, strawberry, ball, e-i-e-i, and I *swear* that tonight when he was in the bathtub and we were counting from 1 to 10 he said “eight.”
