Geocaching, Super Powers, and Jason-Jackson

We went geocaching on Saturday. Geocaching is where you use a GPS unit to find a treasure that’s hidden somewhere in the world. There was one on our street so we sought it out as a family afternoon activity. Look! We found it! What super sleuths! We signed our names and put it back.
That was so much fun that we decided to find the next closest one, a half mile away. Walking along, we got a little distracted when we spotted a worm inching across the sidewalk. Had to go in for a closer look. 
Focused. On. The. Worm.
Elliot and Dad eventually found the second geocache. 
Christmas came early for this Mama. Look what Santa brought me! A boy in a box! 
Knock knock. 
Who’s there? 
This guy! 
Despite Travis’s lack of English language proficiency, the boy has skillz when it comes to dominoes. 
Also we have figured out his super power. Looking at a room with enough toys on the floor to be a real-live Where’s Waldo type of puzzle, if you mumble to yourselves about trying to find a specific item, whether it be large or small or under a pile of mess, Travis can find it. His super power is knowing where things are and bringing them to you in a time of need. That, my friends, is no small ability! 
Today when I picked Elliot up from school, I asked him if he played with any friends today. Yes, he had. So I asked him what their names were. He said Jason. Then he said but his real name is Jackson. And thereafter he referred to his friend as “Jason-Jackson.” As in “Jason-Jackson and I played chase on the playground.” The one friend of his who comes to our house on Mondays for a regular play date whose name is Nate and who is also in Elliot’s class at school… Elliot claims that he has never seen him in class. Maybe Nate looks different in the preschool lighting. ha! 

Pilgrims and Indians

This is probably what the original pilgrims and Indians looked like.

One happy pilgrim.

Dinner plate peek-a-boo.

New found love for whipped cream.

Our thanksgiving dinner party. Our neighbors Kathy and Anthony III, their son Anthony IV, his dad Anthony II, their friends Chris and Lauren, and us!

Eating dinner at 10pm when we got home because all the food at the feast was “yocky.”

Happy thanksgiving everyone!

Crisis averted

We had our first call to Poison Control tonight. Trav got the lid off of a child-proof medicine container and drank the contents. All is well! No need to panic since the entire contents would not have hurt him. Dear Santa, please put one of those child-safe locks on the medicine cabinet. You know where they are.

Here is Elliot playing a tune.

Elliot’s handprint turkey

Rainbow train

Smarter than the average pill container.

Halloween play date

This is the face of a boy who has a lot to say.

Here’s that same face with a candy smear.

Here’s the only other kid who showed up for our play date.

Elliot’s masterpiece.

Trav just wanted frosting. He did not care for the cookie.

Witches’ finger cookies! Creepy!

Davy Crockett + Elmo = Lots of Treats

Here are some photos from our night last night. Elliot was dressed as Davy Crockett and Trav was Elmo. Some of our less educated group misinterpreted Elliot’s costume as Daniel Boone. We took note of their houses and egged them after they went to bed. Just kidding!

Here we are getting ready:

One last game of garage before we leave… 

You can see that our two carved pumpkins have met their maker already. Darn! But how cute is this little cherub!

It was a little chilly out so we put jackets on under the costumes. Trav kept chucking his pumpkin when it got too heavy.

And here we go!


Peeking through the blinds… are they home?

It was just as much fun to ring doorbells as it was to say “trick or treat” and get candy. Sometimes, the person would answer the door and the kids were still ringing the doorbell.

Elmo got tired of walking so I had to carry him a little bit at the end. But he was never too tired to let go of his candy!

 Thank you, Cassel, for the adorable costumes!