A Wonderful Home

Elliot: I wish you didn’t have to go to school.
Me: Me too. I wish I could go to your t-ball practice with you.
Elliot: How much longer are you going to be in school?
Me: About two more years. And then I can get a job.
Elliot: But you already have a job!
Me: What is it?
Elliot: Making a wonderful home for me and Trav!

Indeed. Best job ever.


Here’s what you’re missing today. First, Elliot sings the continents song he learned at school. Second, bad guys beware! Trav shows off his moves. Wish you were here!

Go Dodgers!

We have found the purpose in parenting, and it is this!

Look at that guy! So proud! His shirt came down to his knees but he had the biggest smile in that outfit. Today was Elliot’s first t-ball game and it was so exciting! Here are the batters lined up in number order. Elliot was number five.

All of the Elliot’s hits went straight out to right field. He ran so fast to every plate! When he was manning third base he caught two balls and threw them to first base. Wow!

This is what Trav did during the game.

And this.

He was very muddy by the end.

But the players ended the game with the standard goodwill gesture.

Isn’t it adorable how they hold their hands out the whole time?

Afterward there was a last hurrah with the coach and then snacks. We are all exhausted.

The Ant Farm

Elliot started his music class today. He was very excited! Here he is playing a ukelele. (The kid in the back is making a man.)

Now they are playing drums. Elliot is, as always, hearing the beat of a different drummer.

And this is what comes of sleeping with monkeys every night. Sooner or later this just had to happen. Can you spy the little boy?

Here he is!

At dinner tonight something remarkable happened. Elliot ate the homemade chicken nuggets that I made for him. It may never happen again so I’m writing it to remember fondly back to the day when he did. Also Trav explained to me the process that his food takes after he chews it. “First it goes down the pipe, then the tube, then the ant farm, then to my stomach!” I’m still laughing about that one.