
Trav’s kindergarten had a feast today. It was adorable. His class hosted, so they set up a long table, made decorations, and also practiced shaking hands, asking questions, and had to sit between kids in the other kinder classes. They also had a performance that they did that included a dance. It was so cute! Here are the photos that don’t do any justice to the scene. I helped set his feast up, but then I went to help in Elliots class. One hour later I came back and the feast was over. That’s funny. 

Video of a crackling fire on the big screen. Cozy!    
  Each kid was assigned a food to bring. There was a lot!   
  Trav in his turkey hat.  

Halloween Happenings 2015

Travis made some creepy cupcakes!!   
Trav and Stuart painted the little ornaments that Cassel sent. Spooky!! 

 Trav’s angry jack o lantern. And a paper lantern. Yikes!! 

Stuart made a spooky sticker pumpkin. 

  Trav’s original pumpkin went to pumpkin heaven a little too soon. 

Trav’s class had a harvest party. They dressed up as farmers and scarecrows. Trav is in the floppy hat, fourth from the right, middle row. His teacher is in there too. We adore her, and she adores our sweet “T”.   
  Waving in the parade!   
Here is a haunting story written by Elliot and “hisss snakes.” 

Travis in a bat hat. Spooooky! 

  We went to the Valve Halloween party. Great creepy fun! Stuart had a cheese treat.   
Angry pumpkin face paint! Eeek! 

Astronaut and pumpkin awaiting their turn to whack the piƱata.    
Taking in the show. 

  Elliot’s favorite thing from the party was a poop stuftie. Yes. Poop in a hat. “Crummy Wizard”   

The kids made witches’ brooms for our own Halloween party. And this pumpkin cake looks crazy scary!    

Our neighbors came over to our house for chili before we all went trick or treating. Sorry we didn’t get pictures of the group! The kids were adorable. I snapped this one of our crew before everyone arrived. Kelly, they still wear the astronaut costumes you sent. 

When we went trick or treating, it was raining. But Stuart wanted to do all his own walking! He was a trooper! We have very steep streets. 

We went to the houses on our cul de sac first. When we got to the top of the hill we realized that the rest of the neighborhood had no electricity! Total bummer. We all just went back home and ate our own candy. 

Here’s something funny. Stuart loves to read The Very Hungry Caterpillar…only to the part about the food. When the caterpillar gets fat and builds a cocoon, he closes the book.