Skittle pool

Elliot wants to know:  is it legal for a man who has a mansion to argue with his wife about getting another pool room and filling the pool with skittles? 

In other news, our yard is coming along thanks to Travis. 

Mid-winter break

I try to get the kids interested in eating. So I try to get them to help me cook. They never want to cook, but sometimes they’ll eat what I make. Today it was homemade pretzels and chocolate fondue. Not together. Just stuff I thought they would like to help cook. They didn’t. 

We are renovating the back yard. Here are some photos. 

Scenes from our snow days

Yes, two snow days in a row! Because of actual snow. Approx 10 inches at our house. We woke up in Narnia, it was so beautiful! The kids played outside, built snowmen, had a snowball fight, and we met up with our neighbors for hot chocolate. Our electricity was out for the first day and we resolved to buy a generator. We were so cold! Day 2 we had electricity again, whew. And in just 8 days the kids will be out of school again for winter break.