Elliot is 6!

Six years old seems so much older than five. These days Elliot is much more calm and thoughtful. It feels like he’s ramping up for something. He throws fewer fits and even though I give him screen time, he prefers to make a craft or assemble Legos. And he can put whole Lego sets together by himself! His reading is progressing, and his math skills are far beyond his peers. For example, yesterday he told Trav “I know some ways to make 15. Twelve plus three, nine plus six, and seventeen minus two!” He is a little more sensitive these days. He lets me hug him in public and tells me he loves me when he hops out of the car for school. Trav made a birthday card for him and he told Trav that he loved it at least three times before we got home.
Here they are today with Elliot’s birthday cookies.

Yesterday the boys made a volcano and kept making it erupt until we ran out of vinegar and baking soda.

These boys fight! And wrestle! And declare their undying hatred for one another. Then Trav comes up with this gem, “I don’t want to die. I guess Elliot and I have to die at the same time so we can be in heaven together. ”

Trav also says he wants to stay 4 years old forever because kids can do things that adults can’t do. Like run.

Here are the latest:

Stuart’s first play date!

Trav’s special birthday circle at school.

We had cake for dinner on his birthday!

Trav is 4!

Look who turns 4 today!

Here are the latest quotable Trav-isms:
A brother is a friend that lives in your house.

If you believe in yourself you can do anything. And that includes holding up a snake axe.