Merry Thanksmas to All!

The weather’s been getting colder here. We have to bundle up in our “beary” warmest coats.

In preparation for the picture-taking blitz associated with the holidays we tried to get a nice haircut. Unfortunately, we were turned away from the nice hair cut place when the haircut-ee couldn’t stop thrashing around and screaming. So we ended up at a place more to his liking where we enjoyed our very first tear-free, scream-free haircut! If only all barber shops had Thomas seating and a Sesame Street video playing on a loop.
We’re so comfortable in our coat that we even wear it indoors to play intently with our toys.

Behold the glee!
I hope this boy always runs up and down ramps. Look at that face!
We stopped by the Hancock Building to see their holiday train display.
What could be better than a day spent with this smiling face?
And then it was Thankmas! The day when we eat Thanksgiving dinner but also give the kids their Christmas presents from us. There are a couple of reasons for this. Mainly: it’s dark by 4pm and we need something to do. Secondly: we aren’t home for Christmas and we can’t take our gifts out of town and then bring them back. It is in the spirit of cornbread dressing and premature darkness that we present to you — Thanksmas!
Elliot loved this new Thomas lego set.
Travis had to sample all the toys.

He went after this one like an ear of corn.
After Thanksmas, we ventured out into the cold to walk off the cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Elliot and Dad waited and waited for the Santa el train to arrive at the Belmont stop. Elliot even brought his new brown line train with him. Of course, when you’re holding a brown line train, your little hand just has to freeze because you can’t wear gloves or put your hands in your pocket because you have to hold the train. These are just the facts.
Inside the Santa Express!
How magical! How sweet of the little train elves to give Elliot a candy cane to thank him for coming aboard! What a beautiful display of lights and holiday verve amidst the dreary city backdrop! Only seeing Santa would make this the best Thanksmas ever.
There he is! On the train! Waving and belting “Ho, Ho, Ho” to all the children! … and there’s his bouncer elf behind him in the sunglasses with nary a grimace on his face. He’s ready to give a knuckle sandwich to anyone who forgets to mind the gap.

Merry Thanksmas to all, and to all a good night!

Repeat Performance

My brain is filling up with wonderful memories of these sweet little boys. One example is the cheerio stuck to the face. Those who already love this adorable picture from when Elliot was 1, please enjoy the photo of Travis attempting a cheerio pose of his own.