For what it’s worth: it’s hard to get feedback about your kids. We get a lot of negative feedback about Elliot, regarding his behavior. I largely ignore it and don’t seek it out. Today I got two different kinds of feedback, which was interesting. The first was from his teacher at school asking if Elliot had taken his medication this morning. She has no sort of plan in place to address his behaviors, even though I’ve given her ideas, he’s on a 504 plan, and she supposedly has a background in special ed.
The second was from the substitute teacher at church (not written directly to me). I had told her to have me paged if he didn’t behave, because he was not on his ADHD medication and he had already had a largely inattentive weekend. Anyway, we get good reviews about his behavior so rarely that I had to post this one.
From classroom teacher, who depends solely on medication for behavior management:
Elliot is having a very difficult morning. Just wondering if he took his medication this morning or if there is something that could be the cause. He is being very silly, perseverating on things(can’t move on or let something go), very talkative and loud, lots of talk outs and some of the behaviors I have been seeing.
A Good Review!
From the substitute at church:
It was a good plan, working with his mother, and telling Elliot that you would call his Mom. At the start when he was disruptive, I quietly took his hand, looked in his eyes and told him he would have to sit with Mr. Davis if he wouldn’t behave. He settled down just like the other kids do when that is the expectation. He was more behaved than several of the others who have a few wiggles as well. I was quite proud of him, and noticed how helpful he was with kids learning their verses, he liked that. I look forward to seeing Elliot in the future. I DO believe God has an amazing plan for his life, and that we have been given a trust to help him on his journey to get to know, love and serve the God who created him, redeemed him and provided all that is needed for a relationship with him. “To Him who is able to keep us and present us faultless before His throne, the only wise God, be all glory and honor and praise. Amen. Jude
A'me, I am so sorry about his school troubles. It's been my experience with E in the past that he responds often to what the Sunday school guy did. I know he can settle and do well. In my prayers.