Guest blogger

Hello everyone, and welcome to What We Dunn.  I’m Fletcher Dunn, and I’ll be your host for today, filling in for A’me, who is on vacation and will be back Monday.

So far we have managed to not starve, lacerate, or poison ourselves.  Alltogether, a pretty successful weekend!

The big event of the day was Trav’s tee ball game.  Here’s a pretty epic swing (alas, a miss).

Eventually (thanks in no small part to an oversize parental influence I’m sure) he got to first base.

He hurt his leg in some way, as you can see, but that wound has since healed once it was discovered that we were going to the playground.But I’m getting ahead of myself!  So anyway, in tee ball, that same basic thing happens about 20 times (10 for each time), and that’s what you call an inning.  Except for the last batter, they empty the bases and everybody on base runs home.

Despite the spectacle of athleticism on on the field, Elliot chose to entertain himself elsewhere.

And I spent the whole time trying to figure out how to get this guy a drink, without a sippy cup, since I had forgotten them.  He kept trying to put his mouth around the whole top of the gatorade.

He also walked around a out.  And whined because he was hot a thirsty, but I choose not to document that bit.

One thing I did choose to document, however, was our manifest studliness, via this selfie:

After the game, we spent some time on the playground.

Here is an animated GIF of an adorable boy:

This morning we had pancakes.  So far there has been only one meltdown, owing to unmet expectations vis-a-vis syrup distribution.

We went to church, and the boys are playing a sortof pokemon-like video game called Nino Kuni; they don’t seem to realize that are spending the entire time READING AND DOING MATH.

And I am sure everybody will be thrilled to know that last night I reached level 98 in Bloodborne (40 Arcane!) and cleared several Pthumerean chalise dungeons.

That’s it for this edition of What We Dunn.  This has been Fletcher Dunn; A’me will be back next time.

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